Senin, 11 April 2011

Afghan Hound Care and Training - Diet

Your puppy eats an excellent puppy food. You have enough food to last one week. If you can not find a dealer that handles the brand of food in your area you can change the puppy's food to another quality puppy food. I suggest Royal Canin, Eukanuba or Pro Plan. 

If you do find it necessary to change your puppy's food, do so gradually, over a two week period. Start by putting approximately three quarters of the present food with one quarter of the new food for three or four days. Then increase to fifty-fifty and so on until you are only feeding the new food. Ensure you maintain this schedule to avoid loose stooles or diarrhea, which could lead to dehydration and other problems. The same applies to changing water. 

The result of an overnight change of food or water can be very messy and or distressful. When traveling, always ensure you bring food and water from home. The young pup will take solace in the familiarity of its nutrition in strange surroundings. As your dog gets older you may not have to worry about changes of food or water but caution is my best advice. 

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