Selasa, 05 April 2011

The Companion, American Eskimo Dog

This is a breed originating from Germany despite its name. It is not a Husky and it is not from Alaska either. The American Eskimo Dog was originally named German Spitz but the name was changed during the first World War because of anti-German prejudice.

The American Eskimo Dog has been bred with the only intention to be kept as a companion pet and they thrive as being part of the family. They love being lavished with attention and they go great with children of all ages. Even if they are quite small, they make good guardians of their home, since they like to bark and they will whenever the situation demands it. They are very suspicious and wary of strangers. The only draw back they might have is the destructive activities they will engage in if they are left alone for longer periods of time.

When it comes to the care they require, they will need firm bristle brushing twice a week to keep tangles and mats from occurring and if they are shedding daily brushing may be necessary. Because of their dry skin, bathing should be done only if absolutely necessary.

This is a breed famous for its longevity, with individuals known to have reached the 20 years mark and with an average life span between 12 and 14 years. Daily regular exercise is a must for the American eskimo dog. They also enjoy playing in an enclosed yard or the walks, even on a secure leash. This is a dog that will enjoy and will benefit from all the family play sessions.

The American Eskimo dog should be easy to train because of their eager to please temperament. To prevent aggression later in life you should them early socialized but otherwise that are highly talented dogs that will be enjoyed in any household.

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