Jumat, 29 April 2011

Dog Health Problems You Should Know About

There are many common dog health problems, but some are breed specific. For example, giant breed dogs are more likely to have joint problems in their growing period if not on the proper nutrition. However, there are some common health concerns that fit almost every breed.

Allergies in Dogs

It is an extremely common issue with dogs to have some type of allergy. Many have airborne allergies like people do, others may have food allergies, and some suffer from both. Unlike people, dogs do not sneeze or get the sniffles. Dogs with allergies tend to bite their paws, have ear infections, and may have skin conditions such as scratching and biting on other areas besides the paws.

Treatment for dog allergies is antihistamines. Most veterinarians prescribe diphenhydramine hydrochloride, and hydroxyzine. If the allergy is seasonal, these drugs work remarkably well at reliving symptoms, if the dog suffers from food allergies a natural diet consisting of one meat and one carbohydrate is normally best to control the allergies.

Constipation in Dogs

This is a very common health issue with dogs, especially as they grow older. The solution is to increase their fiber intake either by the food they eat or by giving them canned pumpkin. Dogs love pumpkin, and it helps with both diarrhea and constipation. The easiest way to give it to the dog is mix a teaspoon (for a small dog) with their meals.

Diarrhea in Dogs

This is exceedingly common, and many veterinarians see many dogs each day suffering from the condition. Puppies are prone to diarrhea more than adult dogs, but it can and does happen to adults of all breads. Common causes include an abrupt change in the dog's diet; puppies often eat inappropriate items, which can lead to diarrhea and colitis.

Chronic diarrhea requires veterinarian assistance because it can lead to dehydration and the doctor will need to figure out what is causing the condition. Treatment consists of anti-diarrhea medications.

Cancer in Dogs

This is an extremely serious health condition and more canines are developing cancer than ever, which many point to as a cause of not having a healthy enough diet. Dogs need a holistic food with natural ingredients. Read the ingredients; you should be able to recognize more of the ingredients. Avoid grocery store brands since they are full of preservatives and dyes that dogs simply cannot digest. Keeping your dog on a healthy diet from the start can lessen their odds of developing cancer when they get older.

Treatment options are similar to people and many dogs successfully go through chemotherapy. Depending on the type of cancer, surgery may be an answer.

Fleas and Ticks in Dogs

When summer comes around, so do fleas and ticks, and they are hungry to find a dog to chew on and make their home. Dogs with fleas are miserable and one flea can turn into several in just a matter of days. There are anti-flea and tick treatments that are applied monthly that works well especially if you live in an area where the problem is persistent.

Additionally, bathing the dog with a mild flea shampoo can rid the dog of the fleas immediately, but the ticks may take more work. Do not yank the ticks out because you could leave the head behind and this can cause problems for the dog. If in doubt, call your veterinarian for assistance in ridding the dog of ticks.

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