Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Why do Some Dogs Get Allergies While Others Don't?

Allergies in dogs come, first and foremost, from the "inside", rather than from outside allergens. These days dogs are exposed to a lot of allergens. However, not all dogs develop symptoms of allergies. Those who do are often pets with problems from the "inside", for example, dogs with an already weakened immune system, hormonal imbalance, bacterial or fungal infections, or those with emotional stress due to boredom, a lack of exercise, etc. When exposed to outside allergy-causing factors, (such as fleas, poor quality food, environmental toxins, over vaccination), these dogs are more prone to develop symptoms of dog allergies.

If your pet shows dog allergy symptoms, it is very important that you consult your vet and ask that a thorough check-up (skin and blood tests) be carried out to identify the "inside" cause of the allergy. Finding out the inside "root" problem and getting rid of that problem will strengthen the overall health of your dog, making her more resistant against the outside allergens.

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