Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Choosing and Caring for Your Beagle Puppy

Beagle puppies have to be one of the hardest little animals to resist. One look into those expressive eyes will melt your heart and weaken your resolve. This may be why Beagle puppies get placed in homes so quickly - and why some will end up in Beagle rescue organizations when the training and care of the animal becomes more than the owner bargained for. Like any potential pet, Beagles have their good points and their not so good points, and a prospective owner will do well to learn both sides of the coin before ever heading to the breeder to check out the latest litter.

This is why it is so important to educate yourself about the positive characteristics of Beagle puppies and the more challenging aspects of the breed as well. If you take the time to learn what you will be getting into with that adorable fur ball, you will be much more likely to train up a family pet that will be an enjoyable member of your clan.

When you are looking at a litter of Beagle puppies, it may seem close to impossible to choose just one adorable face from the bunch. However, taking the time to select properly will make a world of difference in whether your puppy training motors along at a reasonable pace or meets up with many roadblocks along the way. Once you have chosen the right puppy for your family, the training will begin almost as soon as you put the little fur ball down in the entryway of your home.

Beagle puppies are intelligent creatures, but they can also run on the stubborn side. This can bring a host of challenges to the training process if you are not prepared to meet the Beagle will head-on. First, establish the rules of your household early and consistently. If you don't want your Beagle to sleep on your bed, don't let him, ever, even the first couple of nights, when his lonely cries are keeping up the whole house. Pick your battles with your Beagle puppy, but then win the ones you choose. Your dog will learn to respect you as the leader of his new pack.

The best place to find a healthy, happy Beagle for your family is from a reputable breeder. However, finding yourself face to face with an adorable litter of Beagle puppies may make the selection process seem close to impossible. Some helpful folks might suggest allowing your puppy to select you, but that process usually results in bringing home the boldest of the bunch. Those types of dogs are not always the easiest to train.

Shy dogs are also not a good choice for most, since fear can cause some of these pups to have a snapping issue. Stay away from those Beagle puppies that run from you or approach with their tails between their legs, no matter how tempted you are to take one home to "bring him out of his shell". There is a good chance that you would not succeed. Some breeders can help you with the process of selecting your dog as well, if you let him know what type of pet you are looking for. By selecting the best dog for your family, you have made the first step in a successful relationship with your new pet.

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