Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Japanese Spitz Care Requirements

Despite its long pure white coat the Japanese Spitz is a low maintenance breed. Contrary to most people's expectations and beliefs their coat is very easy to look after. Because, due to its texture/silky component , mud and dirt fall off or can be brushed out very easily. While they love to play in the dirt, this is a fastidious/clean dog that does not like getting dirty and, like a cat, will lick itself clean. Provided they are kept well groomed (about once a week) they should only require a bath about once a month. They shed their coat twice a year. The shedding will usually only last one week and the ead hair is easily brushed out. In between shedding times you will not get any hair loss so about two weeks in the year you will need to brush them daily to help remove the dead hair. Some people save the hair and have it spun to knit with.

They do not need lots of exercise, but they are an active breed and enjoy being taken for a walk. If they are bored they can be mischievous. They are not a dog you can leave in the backyard and forget. They enjoy living both indoors and outdoors, in fact they enjoy being wherever you are, they thrive on human companionship but are happy to be the only dog in the backyard (ie they don't need another companion dog).

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