Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Pomeranian Dogs - Grooming Tips

If you own a dog, you will need to groom it regularly. Some dogs require a lot of grooming while others don't and if you have Pomeranian dogs, you can make use of the following grooming tips.
Planning for a haircut should be done carefully. Start by bathing your dog thoroughly. Be extra careful so that water will not get inside the ears, nose, and eyes. Don't forget to place some cotton balls inside the ears of the dog to be extra sure. You have to options to dry the Pomeranian - blow dry it or towel dry. If you have a hair dryer, you can use but use the low setting only. If you use a much higher setting, you can dry out your dog's hair and will lead to skin aggravation. While holding the blow dryer, hold the soft brush on your other hand and brush the hair towards the head.

Start trimming the hair around the ears section. Be very cautious because you might cut your pet's ears. Use your fingers to feel the ears and use it as a barrier when cutting the hair. To do this, hold the ears with one hand and cut the hair from a horizontal angle. Use the dog's eyes are reference to position the scissor properly. To avoid pointy looking ears, the second cut should be made at a tilted angle.

Brush the hair towards the front of the head and cut away the excess hair. You'll never know when you're dog might leap so use your fingers as barrier when cutting. You will end up with a circular shaped face. Pomeranian dogs with tidy appearance can be hard to achieve but if you brush the hair found on the chest upwards and cut it at a certain angle (from the knee), you can get this look. From the dog's sides, your Pomeranian will also appear circular.

Brush the body hair and trim the excess ones at the bottom. Take note of the midriff section and if there are excess hairs, trim them as well. Cut in a semi-circular shape from the front legs to the back legs.

The legs of the dogs may vary and so you can just adjust the trimmings. Make the tail tidy by cutting out some sticking hairs. It's up to you to cut the hair to your desired length as long as it is tidy.

Now, it's time to proceed to your dog's feet. Some say that these dogs have the so called rabbit's foot. Allow your dog to lie down on its back so that you can cut the excess hairs underneath the feet properly and safely. Again, use your fingers as barriers to prevent cutting your dog.

Grooming Pomeranian dogs is not as hard as you think. Allowing an overgrowth of hair is not good because your pet will look untidy. Follow these tips so that you can groom your dog properly. Always ensure your safety and that of your pet so be careful in handling the scissors.

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