Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Akita Exercise Begins When They Are Puppies

Akitas are large dogs that are very smart and opinionated. They will soon enough ignore you if you don't show them who the boss is. This is why Akita puppies must be started out on the right foot. A good training regimen is important to their development. Aside from training there are also other important items that Akitas need in order to develop into the big beautiful dogs that they are.
It is important that they get the love and affection that they need in order to be able to adjust as social animals. Untrained, an Akita can be aloof to strangers and potentially be a danger to the people around him. It is also important to bond with an animal that requires companionship like the Akita. They are very loyal to their masters so it is important that you develop a bond with the Akita Puppy right away.

An Akita is also a working dog that has a need to be doing something. The character of this dog is to serve its masters. It doesn't matter what you have her do as long as it is activity. An Akita is not content to lie on the couch all day. The Akita puppy can get restless if left with nothing to do. 

A solution to all of this is Akita exercise, and Akita puppies are never too young to exercise. Akita exercise can be as simple as running around the yard, a long walk or a hike up a mountain. You are the master and you will be the one to decide.

Exercising in the park is a good way to teach socialization to Akita puppies. It puts them in a safe environment that is full of people. Play with your puppy with a Frisbee. It keeps her active and he sees a lot people while she is having fun. It shows her that it can be fun being around people. 
Akita puppies draw a lot of attention because they are cute and cuddly. So let the people touch him or her. Remember to make sure that when other people are playing with your Akita puppies that they aren't too rough.

Exercising is also a good way to bond with your Akita puppies. They will be able to get the fresh air they need and this could be a way you can develop a bond with your Akita puppies. The most important thing is that you spend time with your Akita puppies so that at a young age they will know who their master is.

Training can also be addressed by Akita exercise. Akita exercise can be used to disguise training. A simple command of sit, stay and rollover is a good way to exercise and it gives this magnificent working dog something to do.

One awesome side effect of Akita exercise is your own health. It takes a lot of work exercising a big dog like this, and it goes a long way on your body to help your Akita puppy to exercise.

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