Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

You May Not Have Heard of a Komondor - But You Have Laughed at One

This is that dog that everyone laughs at the first time -- or every time -- they see one. The Komondor looks like a very active dust mop or a white haired Bob Marley.
Seriously, the dog has dreads.

Unfortunately, the Komondor is a stubborn, independent dog which the ASPCA does not recommend for inexperienced dog owners, city dwellers or those with other small pets or children. They are powerful dogs who do not do well without early socialization and obedience classes.
However, the Komondorok (that's the plural, believe it or not) can be a loyal companion to the right family and a playful, devoted pet.

Owners need to be firm and assertive and prove their dominance early or these pooches will become disobedient and possibly aggressive.

Appearance of the Komondor
The unique and distinctive tassel-like cords that make this dog look like a reggae singer are produced when the dense, soft and wooley undercoat intertwines with the coarser hairs of the outercoat. This actually doesn't occur until the dog is 1 to 2 years old.
The coat is always solid white.

The Komondor goes to a powerful 25 to 30 inches tall and 80 to 120 pounds and can live for 10 to 12 years.

Grooming and Exercise Needs
Can you say "Nightmare?"
The Komondor needs be washed and shampooed every couple of weeks or the coat will get quite rank. Since the coat absorbs and holds moisture, drying can take several days.

On the other hand, brushing and combing are not necessary -- or possible for that matter -- but the cords need to be separated weekly, a task that can take as much as 2 to 3 hours.

Trimming the Komondor 1 to 2 times a year is helpful.

They need plenty of space to run and/or several long brisk walk several times a day.

origins of the Komondor
The Komondor has protected domestic herds in Hungary since at least the 16th century. It is believed to have arrive there with the Magyars over 1,000 years ago. Probably quite smelly from the long trip.

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