Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Some Serious Beagle Health Problems

A lot of people love the beagle breed of dog mostly for its friendly demeanor and its ability to be a good dog with children. But beagle health problems are somewhat common and can range from the regular cuts and scratches that any dog gets all the way up to ailments that are almost completely proprietary to the beagle. Keep an eye on your beagle and start to become familiar with the warning signs for beagle health problems.

Beagles are well known as a breed of dog that will eat anything in sight and then not care so much about their "girlish figure". Beagles are big on eating and not so big on exercise so your beagle will gladly trade off a run in the sun for a bowl of food. It is for that reason that you have to protect your beagle from obesity by keeping an eye on its diet. Beagles will eat anything put in front of them whether they are hungry or not so be diligent a bout supplying a healthy balanced diet.

Beagle health problems affect many parts of the beagle's body and one part that can be affected is the eye. Beagle's are prone to getting a condition called distichiasis which is a condition caused by over growth of the eyelashes to the point where they get into the beagle's eyes and cause problems. This condition is treatable with surgery but you need to get your beagle to the vet right away if you notice this problem developing.

Beagles are also susceptible to renal atrophy, which is the systematic loss of eyesight due to deterioration of different parts of the eye. When the eye stops functioning properly then everything associated with it starts to experience atrophy and problems can arise. Symptoms of this are a drying of the eye or excessive tearing. If you notice either of these symptoms do not hesitate to get your beagle to the vet as soon as possible.

As if having an unstoppable appetite wasn't enough some beagle health problems are a result of bad engineering. The beagle's floppy ears can sometimes prevent proper airflow and if air is not getting in or out of the ear properly then moisture can collect and that is bad. Every once in a while you need to make sure there is no build up in your beagle's ears and if you suspect problems then get your beagle to the vet immediately.

A beagle can also do things that will make you think something is horribly wrong when in reality there is nothing wrong at all. Sometimes your beagle will sound like it is trying to catch it's breath and it sounds awful but in most cases this is harmless. It can be what is called reverse sneezing, which is a beagle thing and no one knows what causes it or why. But if you suspect any problems with your beagle do not hesitate to get to the vet as soon as possible.

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