Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Bathing Your Corgi Puppy Made Easy!

There is a way to make bath time an easy, and maybe even enjoyable experience for you and your Corgi puppy. Teaching your Corgi the "Bath" command while he is still a puppy makes this possible. This command works so well that Lawrence and Sammy (my Corgi's) jump into the bathtub all on their own! Here's how to do it:

1. Say the "Bath" command and run to the tub. Give your puppy a treat for following you into the bathroom and up to the tub. Repeat this step a few times for the next few days.
2. Lay a towel or a traction mat in the bath tub, place your puppies favorite toy on the towel/mat.
3. Say the "Bath" command and run to the tub, this time help your puppy into the tub, rewarding him with a treat.
4. Play with your puppy for a few minutes in the bathtub (no water yet). Take your puppy out of the tub, repeat this step a few times a day until your puppy gets excited about "tub time".
5. With the stopper not in the tub, run the water gently while you play with your puppy in the tub (don't fill it yet). Repeat this step a few times until your puppy is used to having the water running while you play.
6. Put the stopper in the tub and let it fill slightly. Gradually increase the amount of water in the tub until you are able to easily bathe your Corgi puppy.
This shouldn't take more than a week to teach. It seems like a lot of work, but trying to bathe a dog that is scared of even going near the bathroom is more work than you can imagine.

One bath every 3-4 weeks should be sufficient to keep your Corgi puppy clean and soft. Too much bathing will make his hair brittle and dry.

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