Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

How to Train an Afaird Puppy

The Afaird is a cross between the Afghan Hound and the Briard. They have a great temperament and are fun to train, so I hope this article can help you getting the mindset you need!
Gaining an animal's respect and confidence is the primary phase towards effectively training him. Setting this groundwork is very significant when schooling a dog. A dog is societal by temperament, and you should use this predisposition to make schooling him easier.

By assuming the job of pack leader, you are making it simple for the dog to figure out how he should behave. If you try to pass over this step, it will be practically hopeless to train your dog. Respect is something that you silently call for through repeated, consistent and fair interaction with your dog. As soon as the dog has learned to have confidence in and respect the owner, he or she may be astonished at how rapidly the training sessions proceed.

It is imperative to realize that first comes respect, then comes friendliness. While it is of course good to shower your new dog or puppy with love and care, it is also crucial to gain its confidence and loyalty. The habits that you school your puppy will convert into later life, so make sure that you do not let your puppy become undisciplined. It is to your puppy's best benefit to have boundaries, rules and expectations.

A world that has consistency in its basis helps a dog realize what is expected of him. While the pack leader is at the head of the pack, each dog within the pack also holds an structured place above and below his pack mates.

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