Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Pomeranian Dogs - Here Are Some Basic Care Tips

Poms are those adorable little bundles of fluff that resemble foxes, otherwise known as Pomeranian dogs. They are so small and cute that celebrities use them as accessories by putting them in their handbags. These little doggies are extremely lovable and quite healthy, resulting in a long lifestyle. Of course, like many other dog breeds, you have to pay close attention to Pomeranian dog care to ensure that your little best friend has a good quality of life.

In order to protect her from uterine infections, breast and ovarian cancer, you should have your female dog spayed. Prostate problems will be prevented by having your male dog neutered. It will also alleviate testicular cancer as well as aggression.

You should take your dog for regular veterinarian check ups. At home you should do an exam of its eyes, ears, skin, teeth and nose. Be sure to use prevention against flees and ticks and worms, in particular the heartworm.

Tooth decay is a huge problem for most dogs and more so for little ones. Regular brushing of teeth can keep those pearly whites healthy and cavity free. Ask your veterinarian for advice on a decent toothpaste and brush for your Pom and give you more advice on brushing frequency. From time to time you should treat your dog to a professional teeth cleaning session. Tartar control chew toys and biscuits are also very beneficial.

Just like your human friends, Pomeranian dogs need to stick to a healthy diet. A good quality, dry dog food that has the right balance of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and fats is ideal. You can moisten the food by adding some canned dog food if you like. A balanced diet of home made dog food is also fine, but try not to feed your Pom table scraps.

Make it a habit to clean your Pom's ears regularly with Q-tips dipped in baby oil or special ear solution for dogs. Be very careful with that you don't insert the Q-tip into its ear. Wipe away eye discharge with a moist cotton ball and trim toenails once a month.

Due to their double thick coats, your Pom can overheat easily. To prevent this and to keep its coat shiny, brush it regularly. A bathe once a month will go a long way to keeping him fresh as a daisy.

Although Pomeranian dogs are a healthy breed, they could be prone to dislocated knee-cap, skin problems and eye infections. Keep a close eye and follow the Pom care tips above to keep your little dog healthy and happy.

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