Jumat, 29 April 2011

House Training a Basset Hound - 3 Essential Tips For Success

House training a Basset Hound requires special knowledge. As many Basset owners will tell you, this breed can be stubborn, non-attentive, and resistant to training. However, the following three steps will make house training Basset Hounds a much smoother process.

1. Understand a Basset's Pack Mentality

Basset Hounds are historically pack animals. They are accustomed to being a part of a group of other dogs, with a set chain-of-command. Only one dog held the highest position in the pack--the "alpha male." This dog kept the pack safe from enemies, broke up fights, and made sure each dog fulfilled their roles. For his trouble, the alpha dog enjoyed certain privileges, including siring the puppies of the female dogs and being the first to eat. Packs are sophisticated outfits, and Bassets work well within the framework of the pack.

2. Be the Alpha of Your Family

Your Basset may be domesticated, but he still sees you and any family members as a pack. It is crucial that all family members rank above him in the family pack hierarchy. Here are a few pointers to assume the role of pack leader:

* Always leave or come in doors first--this is one way to show your Basset that you are the leader; he is the follower

* Feed your Basset after you have eaten

* Don't walk around your Basset when she is lying in your path--make her move out of your way instead

* Don't let your Basset Hound set the rules--pay attention to him when you see fit and not whenever he demands

* Don't let your Basset sleep with you in your bed--designate a separate sleeping area for her
Basset Hounds will naturally follow you and try to please you if you gain their respect by becoming their leader--the alpha. On the other hand, if they sense a void in leadership, they will instinctively assume the alpha role. If this happens, Bassets will be even less likely to listen to you and will tend to become more stubborn and resistant to training.

3. Practice Patience and Positive Reinforcement

House training a Basset Hound requires patience and a positive attitude. Bassets are especially sensitive to harsh behavior and yelling and will not learn effectively if treated in this manner. Be mindful that you are the leader. Bassets expect their leader to remain in control and when you are, they will respond favorably.

The old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach also applies particularly to Bassets. Their potent sense of smell contributes to their well-deserved reputations as "chow hounds." As such, using their favorite treats is an effective method for positive reinforcement of good behavior.

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