Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher dog breeds

Origin / History 

The Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher is a cousin of the German Pinscher. Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers were developed as "farm biters", which means that these dogs were used to drive livestock and to function as guard dogs for the home. Paintings dating back to the late 1700s depict a dog that looks almost exactly like today's Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher.

This breed is said to have a Terrier-type ancestry. It is also similar to the Miniature Pinscher, Doberman Pinscher, and Manchester Terrier, although its unlikely for the Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher to be directly related to these breeds. In 1928, the Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher gained recognition from the Austrian Kennel Club. Today, though, this breed is rarely seen outside Austria, and even in its homeland, these dogs remain few in number.


Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers have a pear-shaped head with a powerful but relatively short muzzle. Their medium-sized eyes are dark-coloured and round. These dogs have ears that are folded forward, set high on their head, and are bat-like. They have short, slightly arched necks, and teeth that form a level or scissor bite. The chest of Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers is barrel-shaped, and when viewed from the front, it appears wider than it is long. Their forelegs are firm and straight, while their hind legs are bent moderately at their hocks and stifles. These dogs have small, round feet that point straight forward, and their toes are compact and arched.


Coat colours of Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers include brown, brindle, black, red, fawn, or a combination of black and tan. Some dogs of this breed also have white markings.


Austrian Shorthand Pinschers were bred to be farm dogs. These dogs are used to having work to do. They can be slightly high strung, but they are usually calm around individuals they are familiar with. These dogs love sports and are happy when given the chance to use their talents. Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers are alert and always aware of their surroundings. As guard dogs, they can be aggressive towards other canines, and they may have a tendency to bite. Dogs of this breed take their guarding duties seriously and they also function as excellent watchdogs.

Height and Weight 

These dogs have a height that ranges from 14 to 20 inches, and their weight falls between 26 and 40 pounds.

Common Health Problems 

Dogs of this breed have a hereditary heart condition and they are susceptible to hip dysplasia

Living Conditions 

Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers are not suited for apartment life. They will be happiest in a farm, but can make do with a large yard where they can get the exercise they need. It's also important for these dogs to have owners who are able to take them outdoors and play with them.

Exercise Requirements 

Being bred as farm dogs, Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers need plenty of exercise. It's best for these dogs to be taken out for long walks daily. These dogs will also appreciate games such as flyball and agility.

Training Requirements 
These dogs are highly trainable, but training should commence at an early age. They should also undergo extensive socialization so that they'll be well-behaved when dealing with people and other animals. Owners should also make sure that they display strong leadership skills because Austrian Shorthaired Pinschers may become dominant when given the opportunity. Dogs tend to regard their human family as their pack, so owners should establish that all humans in the family are higher in rank than the dogs. 

Life Expectancy 

The life span of these dogs is 12 to 14 years.


The Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher requires very little grooming. Owners just need to brush the coat of these dogs occasionally using a firm bristle brush.

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