Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Basic Principles Of Beagle Training

The basic principles of successful beagle training include understanding the breed as well as the individual dog. For instance, most beagles like a lot of attention and readily respond well to a lot of affection and kindness. They look to please and are generally very quick learners. They also like to be active, and often look at training as a game. This leads to the second principle, namely patience.

Very young puppies have short attention spans and it may take several weeks before they fully grasp what it is you are trying to teach them. You may have to repeat each lesson over and over again, day after day, which can be frustrating for both of you. However, it is vital that you maintain your own self-control. In fact, a burst of temper at the wrong time can totally undo long hours of training as well as severely damaging the dog's self-confidence. This is especially true when it comes to housebreaking a dog.

Although a puppy's kidneys take several months to develop fully, you should begin housebreaking them by the time they are 2 months old. Just understand that there will be times when they simply are incapable of "holding it in" until they are physically more mature. Accidents will happen. This is especially true shortly after they've eaten, and they should be taken outside within ten minutes after feeding them.

Therefore, it is important to keep to a regular feeding schedule. You'll find that the puppy will learn to anticipate these times. In fact, young dogs up to six months old should be taken out at least five times a day, while those six to nine months should go outside at least four times daily. Once they are a little older, you can begin to reduce outings to three times a day.

While puppies may fight walking on a leash by tugging against you or even refusing to move (either in play or because they are frightened), just keep walking and pulling him along, and speak to him reassuringly. This is a very normal part of beagle training. After a while he will realize that "resistance is futile." Once he does stop struggling, be sure to reward him with praise and pats.

If the puppy does have an accident in the house, be sure to let him know he did wrong by scolding him firmly and pushing his nose close to the mess (not in it), then take him for a walk immediately. While it may be after the fact he will get the idea, especially if he sees you clean up his poop and bring it outside (where it belongs). Follow these simple beagle training tips and your puppy will be trained in no time!

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