Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Bavarian Mountain Hound Learning to be a good dog

Every puppy needs to be taught good manners and have constructive lessons in basic control. This includes responding to its name, how to greet and behave politely around people and dogs, coming back when called, walking nicely on the lead, sit, down and stay on command, and allowing itself to be groomed and examined by you and your vet. As a dog owner you also need to learn what laws affect you and your dog.

Socialisation is vital if your puppy is to grow up as a well-adjusted member of your family, so try to expose your puppy to as many new experiences as possible – travel by car, vacuum cleaners, traffic, radio and television are all noises the puppy will have to get to know. It is possible to overwhelm the puppy, however, so do be careful.

Your puppy needs to learn how to get on with other puppies and dogs as soon as possible. However, until your puppy is fully protected by vaccination (usually at least a week after the course is completed, consult your vet for advice), he/she should not be allowed to mix with dogs of unknown vaccination status. Some of the viruses which cause disease can persist in the environment, so puppies should not be taken to parks or walked in other areas that other dogs have fouled. They can be taken out as much as possible in non-doggy areas, and can be carried if necessary to avoid unwanted contact from other dogs or soiled areas.

Your pup also needs to meet adults, vet, children, but make sure the children understand the ground rules first – your puppy is not a toy. The children must learn not to tease or bully the pup, and the animal must learn not to jump up or nip during play.

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