Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Caring for Sick Dogs - Giving the Dog Medication

Many people caring for sick dogs find it hard to give medication to their dogs. Be patient, approach and speak to the dog softly. Pet the dog and calm him down before trying to give him the medicine.

Liquid Medication
  • Use one hand to pull out the corner of your dog's lower lip to make a little "pocket".
  • Use the other hand to tilt your dog's head back and pour the liquid into it with the other hand. You may find it easier to use a needle-less syringe to get the liquid in.
  • After the medication is in, hold the dog's mouth almost closed and gently massage his throat. This can induce swallowing.
Pills and Capsules
  • Using one hand, grasp around the upper jaw and insert your thumb and fingers in the gaps just behind the fangs.
  • Using the other hand, hold the pill or capsule between your thumb and the first finger, and use the remaining fingers to press down the lower front teeth. This will pry the jaw open.
  • Quickly insert the pill into the throat and induce swallowing as describe above.

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