Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

How do I introduce a new puppy to our resident dog?

So, you've got a brand new puppy to keep your older dog company, but now you're worried about his lack of enthusiasm for his new 'sibling'? Are you wondering whether you made a mistake?

 Most dogs learn to get along with a newcomer (and some super-sociable souls accept them right away), but if your older dog is treating the new baby with something less than unbridled enthusiasm he won't be the first to do so!

Here's a short puppy guide to help you overcome those first few rocky days, and help your pooches become best friends...

When choosing a new dog to integrate into your family, it's best to choose one of the opposite sex to the resident dog. Two same-sex dogs are less likely to get along as adults, especially if they're not neutered/spayed.

Also consider size and temperament, an older dog with a high prey drive may not be the best match for a puppy from a tiny, fast-moving breed such as the Yorkshire Terrier.

Make the initial introductions under supervision, and expect some hesitation on the part of either pooch. There may be a little low growling, or posturing, but most puppies instinctively submit to older, more mature dogs and once your resident dog has shown the interloper 'who's boss' things should settle down.

Always remember to show lots of affection to your older dog. It's sometimes difficult to tear yourself away from an adorable new puppy, but make a point of greeting, feeding and petting the older dog first, as it reinforces his status (in both his eyes, and the eyes of the new puppy) and helps to maintain a natural transition into the 'pecking order'.

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