Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Choosing a Pet - Basset Hound Qualities

The time comes when you or your kids wants a pet. It sounds simple enough but with so many different breeds, how do you know which to get? Basset hounds are a popular choice but they are not for everyone. While they are loving and friendly, they have some key faults as well. To find out if a Basset Hound is for you, read on.

Bassets are Good Natured

The one thing that I love about Basset hounds is their nature. They are friendly and fun loving dogs. They get along great with kids and are very loyal. In fact, bassets are probably one of your best choices for dogs if you have kids.

Lazy and Energetic

While this sounds like an oxymoron, anyone who has ever owned a basset knows what I mean. Bassets lie around and are happiest cuddling at your feet. They can sun for hours and in general, love the slow-paced life. However, a Basset Hound will love to play. They can get to romping around and their long ears start to flap. They will go for longs walks (although, they have been known to quit as well.) While some find the quitting an endearing trait, others find it annoying. But most bassets will overcome the quitting if you have pocketed some food as incentive to move.

Bassets are a Talkative Bunch

You can always tell when a basset is really happy. Oh how they love to talk. They have a long drawn out moan that sets the mood. If you are looking for a quiet dog, this is probably not the best choice. You can train a basset not to bark at things, but the talking won't ever go away.

Did I mention Bassets Drool?

Unfortunately, way too many bassets get dropped off at shelters because of their drooling. They cannot help it and if you don't like getting slimed, then please, do not get a basset. Just the mere sight of food will get there saliva going and you will have a puddle in no time.

Speaking of Food: They Will Eat

Bassets are one of the few dogs that will eat and eat and eat. You must limit the amount of food for a basset. You cannot leave a food down because they will eat themselves sick. My basset got into the 30-pound dog food container when she was a puppy. She ate so much of it she could barely walk around. When she got older, she managed to get a hold of a 3-pound bag of macadamia nuts and she was paralyzed from the waist down for several hours! Luckily, she suffered no permanent damage but it does go to show how careful you must be.

Long Ears Mean Weekly Cleaning

The ears drag the ground, drop in their food, and soak up water. While these ears are too cute for words, they do require weekly cleaning. A baby wipe to the ears will keep the ears clean and smelling fresh.

Bassets Get Lost

Another key point is you must keep the basset safe. A Basset Hound will follow their nose for miles and miles. Unfortunately, they are not good at finding their way back. As a basset owner, it is your responsibility to keep them safe. I love my basset and would not trade her for the world. However, bassets are not for everyone. Know what you are getting and make an informed decision.

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