Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Basset Hound Training - 5 Useful Tips

If you want to train your basset hound successfully, the first thing you need to know is about her nature and temperament. This one thing will determine how much she is eager and capable to learn basic and some advanced tricks. Basset hound is actually a wonderful dog with brilliant mind, warm and comical nature but strong willed attitude, which can be the obstacle in the way of basset hound training. Still there are 5 useful steps that will help with this problem.

1. Keep some activities minimum: These dogs have unique bone structure-in fact many bones and quite odd shape which makes them look long and compact. They may hurt themselves if set free to Jump off the bed, climb up and downstairs and involved in long walks. Therefore you need to keep these kinds of activities minimum when they are puppies.

2. Consistency is key: Success is not achieved at once. It requires time with constant effort and while dealing with basset hound training, it is a must. You have to work with your dog's nature and be consistent while training. Break the sessions into different periods and do not keep your dog busy in the same session for more than 5-10 minutes.

3. Be patient: You need to be patient while training your basset hound as she has a very stubborn nature. It depends on her mood to listen to your commands, so be patient and do not get frustrated. Wait for the right time and make the things better.

4. Positive reinforcement: Though these dogs look lazy, they are actually very agile and energetic. You do not need to train them with old school style that believes in harsh punishment. Be positive and gentle with dog. Provide treats and rewards to her whenever she fulfills the commands correctly.

5. Socialization: Including socialization in basset houn training is very important. As they are already friendly in nature that goes well with kids and other pets, socializing will help them to become a very well behaved, disciplined and obedient dog as well when taken to public places.

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