Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Komondor Dog Breed Temperament, Health Issues, Grooming and Living Conditions

Temperament: The Komondor dog can become a family pet, providing you have a good, firm, and naturally authoritative owner. This breed needs to be socialised well and trained thoroughly, and it requires to be raised with any children from the start. This breed is exceptionally protective, with a lot of confidence, as they watch over their flock, or family.

The Komondors instinct is to protect, and they will attack wolves and bears, if they pose a threat to their flock. This dog has been bred to work and have an exceptionally high dominance level. They have a high territorial instinct that can affect people and other dogs and need exceptionally good leadership. This will require exceptionally good obedience training, as they are strong minded.

Any owner will have to have that leadership status, and be experienced in dog ownership. The Komondor is easily bored, and need excellent physical and mental stimulation, daily. Setting clear rules is an absolute must, and this will help the dog become the best it can be.

Health issues: They can have hip dysplasia, bloat and skin problems.

Grooming: The Komondor must never be brushed or combed. The hair is divided into cords and trimmed as needed. This breed requires bathing infrequently, and the coat takes a long time to dry, from a few hours to a whole day, depending on the weather.

Living conditions: This dog is best suited to country environments, where long walks are available, as Komondors require extensive walking. This breed can live in an apartment, providing all the requirements of walking and mental stimulation are met.

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