Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

American Mastiff

The American Mastiff makes a wonderful family pet. As a rule these giant dogs are not aggressive unless their family is being threatened. They make very protective pets particularly around children but it does help if the kids and the puppies are reared together.

This breed resulted when breeders crossed the English Mastiff with the Anatolian Mastiff. The result was a large dog which is less likely to drool than its ancestors. The puppies grow into very large dogs so should only be bought by those who have strong leadership qualities. You cannot let this animal think he is the pack leader or he will become impossible to control. Although kind and gentle, he is also prone to being stubborn and domineering. These traits have to be managed and dealt with rather than ignored.

Although American Mastiffs do not share the same aggressive tendencies as some of their ancestors, they still need to be managed properly around children. No animal should be left unsupervised when there are kids around, regardless of whether it is a Mastiff type or a collie called Lassie. Kids need to be taught to respect the dog. All dogs regardless of breed show a higher degree of tolerance for children but this is not something that you want to test. Dogs can attack when they feel threatened such as when their food is taken away during a meal or the child constantly grabs him when he is sleeping. A large dog cannot be properly restrained by a child, so never let your kid take a Mastiff for a walk on their own regardless of how well they get on. The dog may get excited and run off dragging your child along with them.

Teach your children not to be afraid of the dog. Get them involved in training the animal so that they know the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Never let a kid treat a dog cruelly and make sure you teach them correct hygiene when dealing with animals of any type. Don't let your children play tug games with the dog as they can misinterpret this game and it can lead to the animal growling or displaying other unacceptable behavior. Your dog needs to recognize your child as having a higher status in the pack so that they will obey them and act properly around them.

Getting a child involved in all areas of an animal's care will help that child develop into a more rounded human being. Teaching consideration and care for others is a lesson more of us would benefit from.

An American Mastiff is such a loyal and protective pet; it will shower your child with love helping to raise their self esteem. Studies show owning an animal is good for kids so long as you pick the right dog and treat it properly. Dogs such as the American Mastiff are fantastic early warning systems. They have a reputation for protecting their family against danger and that includes house fires or rescuing a child from drowning. They make wonderful additions to the family unit. Make sure you educate yourself and your family about the American Mastiff so that you can all enjoy a long and happy life together.

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