Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Owning an Affenpinscher

Affenpinschers need to be closely groomed at least two or three times per week to make their 1 inch coat clean and nice smelling. These little dogs are fun loving animals. It's very easy to create a wonderful relationship with them, they are very adventurous, active, curious and, at times, stubborn. The great thing about them is the fact that they are playful and fun loving animals and that is what makes them such great company and pets, especially for children.

Owners will easily develop great camaraderie with them as they are an affectionate bunch, especially to family members and they display it by being protective of their owners.

They need continuous and consistent training because of the difficulties involved in housebreaking or house training them. The training methods should be changed constantly as they easily bore when asked to do repetitive tasks. They also possess the qualities of being territorial with their food and toys so having them play with little children is not recommended.

Affenpinschers are generally quiet, but they can be very nervous or excited when attacked, surprised or threatened. They show no sign of fear towards aggressors. They will be greatly appreciated by a family who longs for a good humored dog breed and who likes to be entertained by shows put up by their pet dogs.

The Affen is prone to a health condition called dysphasia. Just like with other smaller breeds of dogs, they are subject to a case of collapsed trachea and the best way of avoiding this is to walk your dog by using a harness instead of the traditional dog collars. Cataracts can sometimes occur in this breed.
Owners should bear in mind that their dog craves the utmost attention and it will easily adopt one of the family member as their leader. If there is a lap available, chances are it would want to sit on that lap. They tend to wander around finding a more comfortable place to sleep it's recommended that owners set up a comfortable sleeping place for their little bundle of love.
When you have two or more Affenpinschers, one tend to get jealous of the other for attention. It can also happen if you have other pet animals like a cat. But mostly they get along with other pets like cats and other breeds of dogs.

Overall this is are a very easy breed to own and live with. They like to play with their master, especially in the park, and they care for their owners. They are a great source of entertainment for those who likes seeing lively dogs.

Affenpinschers have an average lifespan of approximately 11.5 years; most, if taken well care of, can live even longer... old enough for them to share a lot of wonderful memories with the rest of the family and be an active, much loved part of the family.

Taking good care of your little monkey dog will reap great rewards as this breed knows how to express its love and respect for their masters and owners.

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