Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

How can I train my puppy?

If you want your precious little puppy to grow up to be a well-behaved companion, you need to teach him or her some manners, and some basic obedience commands.

A puppy that is out of control may not seem to be a huge problem at first, but when he turns into a dog that's out of control it will be a whole different story.

A fair number of puppy FAQs center around puppy behavior, and learning what behavior is acceptable and what isn't should be some of his earliest lessons!

Puppies are very eager to please you, but they have very short attention spans and often need quite a bit of repetition before they 'get it'. If you want your pup to understand what you expect of him, there are three simple steps that you MUST follow :
  • tell your puppy what you want him to do
  • help him to perform that behavior
  • reward him with treats and/or praise when he is successful

Several short training sessions per day are much better than one longer one. Your puppy will get bored and lose interest after a couple of minutes, and that's not what you want!

You want him to enjoy his trainings sessions and think they're a fun part of his day. Always praise your puppy when he's successful and end each session on a positive note so that he's eager to start again next time.

The first thing to teach your little one is to recognize his name. After that, the basic obedience commands that you want your pup to teach him are "sit", "come" and "down". 

Puppy FAQs also often include questions about obedience training classes, and how to choose an dog obedience training school. You can usually start your puppy off in a 'Puppy Class' after he's started his vaccination program, and is around 10 weeks old.

Some obedience schools will allow him to attend class provided he's had one or two sets of shots. Others will want to wait until he's completed the full vaccination schedule.

It's important to make sure that the dog obedience school that you choose offers classes taught by certified dog trainers. There are often more than one obedience school within your area, so call around and check them out before you enrol your pup.

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