Kamis, 15 September 2011

Airedale Terrier

At a meeting of the first club which went by the name of the Airedale Terrier Club held in Manchester, the following standard of perfection and scale of points was drawn up and adopted:
HEAD - Long, with flat skull, but not too broad between the ears, narrowing slightly to the eyes, free from wrinkle; stop hardly visible, and cheeks free from fullness; jaw deep and powerful, well filled up before the eyes; lips light; ears V-shaped with a side carriage, small but not out of proportion to the size of the dog; the nose black; the eyes small and dark in colour, not prominent, and full of terrier expression; the teeth strong and level. The neck should be of moderate length and thickness, radually widening towards the shoulders and free from throatiness.

SHOULDERS AND CHEST - Shoulders long and sloping well into the back, shoulder-blades flat, chest deep, but not broad.

BODY - Back short, strong and straight; ribs well sprung.

HIND-QUARTERS - Strong and muscular, with no drop; hocks well let down; the tail set on high and carried gaily, but not curled over the back.

LEGS AND FEET - Legs perfectly straight, with plenty of bone; feet small and round with good depth of pad.

COAT - Hard and wiry, and not so long as to appear ragged; it should also be straight and close, covering the dog well over the body and legs.

COLOR - The head and ears, with the exception of dark markings on each side of the skull, should be tan, the ears being a darker shade than the rest, the legs up to the thigh and elbows being also tan, the body black or dark grizzle.

WEIGHT - Dogs 40 lb. to 45 lb., bitches slightly less.

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