Sabtu, 17 September 2011

How to Train Your Basset Hound and Keep Your Sanity

In my life, I have trained hundreds of dogs. So when I got my basset hound, I thought this would be a breeze. That is when I found out how hard is was to train bassets. You see, bassets have some special qualities, which make them lovable but hard to train. Therefore, I have created four tips to help you train your basset.

#1 Don't Take it Personally

Bassets were not bread to "please" their owner. This makes them very difficult to train. They are bred to be very loyal, which makes them great pets. They will stay by your side day or night.
Therefore, when training your precious pooch, don't take their unwillingness to learn personally.

#2 Keep it Short

The puppies like to smell things and can so easily be distracted. If you want to train your puppy, you need to keep the lessons short and sweet. Pick one thing to work on and stick with that.
Remember, lessons need to be no longer than 5 to 10 minutes max.

#3 Give it Time

Like I said before, I have trained lots of dogs. My golden retriever can learn a new thing in about three days of training. No matter how complex, she can get it.
Our basset hound, on the other hand, can take a month to get a simple idea. We lovingly refer to her, as our special needs dog. It literally took me a month to teach her were to lie down on the bed! However, it only took her a week to learn where to stand for food.

#4 Use Food as an Incentive

Since bassets love to eat, take full advantage of the behavior. If you are trying to teach your basset to come, which should be easy, then have a tiny treat for when he or she gets to you.
In fact, I highly recommend using treats when introducing any new skill. The smell of the treat will keep your puppy intensely engaged. Reward with every successful attempt until you know for sure your dog gets it. Then, start reducing the number of treats slowly.
Training a basset hound is great fun and they can learn. Just give your baby some time, as they are not the quickest learners.

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